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Dr. Michelle Chang

Dr. Michelle Chang was born and raised in the Puget Sound area. While school and life took her to many different places she was excited at the opportunity to be able to return home. This is where she has been practicing dentistry for the past several years and where she hopes to continue for many, many years to come.

Dr. Chang is a graduate of University of Washington and Roseman College of Dental Medicine, Utah. She is a member of the American Dental Association and the Washington State Dental Association.

Dr. Chang’s interest in dentistry started with her childhood dentist who was skillful and truly cared about his patients. His tactful approach helped ease dental fears and through his experience she aims to do the same for her patients. As a dentist she enjoys educating her patients and guiding them with preventative measures tailored specifically for their needs.

In Dr. Chang’s free time she enjoys spending time with her family. She has a loving and supportive husband, a quirky adorable golden doodle named Sandy and recently welcomed the newest addition to the family, a happy and health baby boy named Benny.

Dr. Chang’s patients are like family to her and she is looking forward to being a part of your long-term dental care. Dr. Chang’s expertise and compassionate care will server you and your families well, now and in the future.